
Wise Up!

We asked ourselves: Do I "Got Wisdom?" We talked about how bragging or even being the smartest person in your class does not make you wise. We even broke out the dreaded dictionary to get a hint at what wisdom is. Now we’re going to go even deeper on the subject.
I know wisdom may not seem all that cool to you. I mean, advice? It’s hard to listen to, and it’s even harder to follow. But there are lots of questions in your head right now. How can you get along with someone who doesn’t like you? What’s the best way to make friends? The book of Proverbs is filled with wisdom – or advice – about life, relationships, faith, love, family, and more. You’ve seen all those books on advice for young people. Cool. But when that advice is "God-breathed and is useful for teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training in righteousness", that wisdom is the stuff you really want.

"Pay attention and listen to the sayings of the wise; apply your heart to what I teach." (Proverbs 22:17)

Did you get that? Not only are we supposed to pay attention and listen to wisdom; we’re also supposed to apply it! That means that whatever wisdom God brings your way, God commands you to use it in your everyday life!
That means that you need to live and breathe God’s words of wisdom for you in order to make the right choices. Need. Command. God wants to make it clear to you that He isn’t asking you to read His Word; He is ordering you to.

So, why do we need God’s wisdom? What will you gain if you read the Bible for advice?
You will understand what is right and just. (Proverbs 2:9)
You will gain wisdom and be protected by it. (Proverbs 2:10-11)
You will be saved from the ways of the wicked. (Proverbs 2:12)

I’m really excited about this, and I hope you are, too! We’re going to be digging deeper into wisdom in the next posts. We will "pay attention and listen to the sayings of the wise" and we’ll apply our hearts to what God is telling us! (Proverbs 22:17)


  1. Melissa, thank you for the encouraging comment! May you too continue to use the gifts of writing that God has blessed you with for His glory!


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